Evaluation of the clinical status of patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage and acute pancreatitis using the APACHE Ii score

Popovic, J.; Hut'an, M.; Glasová, M.

Rozhledy V Chirurgii Mesicnik Ceskoslovenske Chirurgicke Spolecnosti 74(2): 46-49


ISSN/ISBN: 0035-9351
PMID: 7761943
Document Number: 440983
In the group of 35 patients with gastrointestinal bleeding and in the group of 15 patients with acute edematous pancreatitis before beginning of treatment Apache II score was calculated. The obtained score values ranging from 2 to 18 were subsequently compared with the duration of the interval from appearing of the clinical signs to the beginning of treatment, the way of treatment, duration of hospitalization and recurrence of the diseases during hospitalization. The relations were evaluated through correlation analysis and T-test. Although the studied relations were in our conditions statistically insignificant we suppose, that Apache II score contributes to detachment of clinical assessment of patient in correlation to its severity and prognosis.

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