Further study of the indications for combination cytostatic-anticoagulant-antiaggregation-corticosteroid therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis

Ratner, M.I.; Tomilina, N.A.; Biriukova, L.S.; Monchakovskiĭ, S.F.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 57(6): 69-74


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 4071418
Document Number: 252617
One hundred and twenty-five patients with different morphoclinical variants of chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) were examined for the efficacy of cytostatic-anticoagulant-antiaggregation (CAA) therapy. The treatment appeared successful in 47 (37%) of patients. The efficacy largely depended on the degree and intensity of the disease clinical manifestations as well as on a dramatic increase in the permeability of the glomerular filter for medium- and high-molecular serum proteins and on superimposition of sclerotic transformation of renal glomeruli. The use of CAA therapy was most successful in GN whatever superimposition of fibroplastic transformation. The treatment was abortive in prolonged (more than 12 months) persistence of pronounced proteinuria combined with hematuria and/or arterial hypertension, in the nephrotic-hypertonic pattern of GN irrespective of the disease stage, in disease patterns manifesting themselves chiefly by hematuria and negligible proteinuria.

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