Access to antiretroviral treatment in Latin American countries and the Caribbean

Chequer, P.; Cuchí, P.; Mazin, R.; García Calleja, J.M.

Aids 16 Suppl. 3: S50-S57


ISSN/ISBN: 0269-9370
PMID: 12685925
DOI: 10.1097/00002030-200212003-00008
Document Number: 239513
To assess the access to antiretroviral therapy in the Latin America and Caribbean region and the main issues involved. A review of National AIDS Programmes reports, published studies on HIV access to antiretroviral drugs, and personal communications from National AIDS Programmes in the region. Most countries have, or are in the process of developing, laws and regulations to ensure better access to antiretroviral drugs for people in need. However, there are still many countries that either have not implemented policies or do not have policies. There has been an important decrease in the cost of drugs, but prices are still too high for all countries to afford them. The benefits in decreased mortality and hospitalizations in the countries with high coverage are significant. The number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy has been estimated to be close to 170,000 individuals; however, this figure only represents a fraction of the people in need in the region. Some different strategies will have to be implemented in order to increase coverage. Renewed efforts are needed from both governments and international community organizations to strengthen the health services and increase access to antiretroviral drugs.

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