Report of the Stigma Research Workshop for the development of scientific consensus papers and field guidelines on health-related stigma, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 11-14 october 2010
Voorend, C.G.N.; Van Brakel, W.H.; Cross, H.; Augustine, V.; Ebenso, B.
Leprosy Review 82(2): 188-201
ISSN/ISBN: 0305-7518 PMID: 21888143 Document Number: 238980
Summary In concurrence with the broad body of literature published on health-related stigma, there is a need for practical field guidance to contribute to the fight against leprosy-related stigma and discrimination. To this end, much can be gained by considering the accumulated knowledge and learned from experience with different stigmatising conditions; primarily HIV/AIDS, disability, tuberculosis, and mental health. Therefore a Stigma Research Workshop was organised from 11-14 October in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The primary aim of the workshop was to produce scientific papers and field guidelines that could be used to target actions against health-related stigma and discrimination. Keynote presentations were offered by scientists and professionals from different health domains who shared their knowledge, experiences and research findings regarding health-related stigma. Group work was subsequently conducted to work towards agreed outputs on four different themes: i.e. research priorities, measurement, interventions, and counselling. The spectrum of expertise present enabled an interdisciplinary and inter-profession sharing of knowledge and practices. This resulted in the commencement of consensus papers and field guidelines related to the four themes. An evaluation by participants concluded that the workshop had been an informative and worthwhile activity that will strengthen the fight against stigma.