Combined action of gamma irradiation and 5-bromodeoxyuridine on human chromosomes

Sapacheva, V.A.

Tsitologiia i Genetika 18(1): 50-54


ISSN/ISBN: 0564-3783
PMID: 6701965
Document Number: 231992
A combined effect has been studied of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine (BDU) and gamma-radiation on human lymphocytes at the G0 stage. BDU is shown to induce chromatid aberrations irrespective of its radiation. The frequency of chromatid aberrations rises with the BDU concentration. BDU modifies the effect of gamma-radiation on human lymphocytes at the G0 stage, increasing the number of chromosome aberrations. BDU slows down the lymphocyte cell cycle.

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