Modulation of cell surface antigens induced by 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate in two myeloblastic cell lines, a promyelocytic cell line, and a monoblastic cell line: detection with five monoclonal antibodies

Sugimoto, T.; Tatsumi, E.; Takeda, K.; Minato, K.; Sagawa, K.; Minowada, J.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 72(4): 923-928


ISSN/ISBN: 0027-8874
PMID: 6368942
Document Number: 231800
The modulation of cell surface antigens in 2 myeloblastic cell lines (ML-1 and KG-1), a promyelocytic cell line (HL-60), and a monoblastic cell line (THP-1-0) by the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate [(TPA) CAS: 16561-29-8] was investigated by indirect membrane immunofluorescence with the use of three monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) (OKM-1, 63D3, and MCS-2) reacting with myeloid-monocyte antigens (expressed by cells of both granulocyte and monocyte lineages) and two MoAb (1/12/13 and MCS-1) reacting with myeloid antigens (expressed by cells of the granulocyte lineage). Functionally mature macrophage properties, such as adherence, morphologic character, and phagocytosis, were induced by the presence of TPA in each of the cell lines except for adherence in the HL-60 cells. After 3 days in culture, the expression of the OKM-1-defined antigen was markedly augmented in all 4 cell lines. The expression of the 63D3-defined antigen was also markedly augmented in the ML-1, KG-1, and THP-1-0 cells, but it was not significantly altered in the HL-60 cells. The MCS-2-defined antigen was amplified in expression in the ML-1 and HL-60 cells, but it showed minimum decrease in the KG-1 and THP-1-0 cells. The MCS-1-defined antigen expression was suppressed in ML-1, HL-60, and THP-1-0 but was enhanced in KG-1. The suppressed expression of My-1 antigen (detected by the MoAb 1/12/13) was noted in all 4 cell lines. Thus in the ML-1 cells, expression of the myeloid-monocyte antigens was augmented, whereas myeloid antigen expression was inhibited in the presence of TPA, a result that parallels antigenic expression in terminal macrophage differentiation. The trend was true, except for the 4 cell line-antigen combinations (MCS-2-defined antigen and MCS-1-defined antigen in KG-1, 63D3-defined antigen in HL-60, and MCS-2-defined antigen in THP-1-0). The heterogeneous attitude of some antigens to TPA found in these cell lines may result from the fact that they represent different points in the myeloid-monocyte differentiation scheme.

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