Warfarin pharmacokinetics in the horse
Thijssen, H.H.; van den Bogaard, A.E.; Wetzel, J.M.; Maes, J.H.; Muller, A.P.
American Journal of Veterinary Research 44(7): 1192-1196
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9645 PMID: 6881659 Document Number: 214652
The pharmacokinetics of racemic warfarin were studied in 6 adult horses. After IV administration, the plasma concentration of warfarin showed a biphasic decline in time. Analysis of the data, according to 2-compartment kinetics, revealed the following constants: biological half-life was 13.3 hours, apparent volume of distribution was 0.46 L X kg-1, body clearance was 25.3 ml X hour-1 X kg-1. Warfarin was bound (91.5%) to plasma proteins. Unchanged warfarin was not detected in the urine. Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract was almost complete. Concentrations of warfarin in tissue were examined in 4 foals that were given 1 g of warfarin orally 14 hours before they were euthanatized. The concentrations in the kidney were higher than those in plasma (about 2 fold). The hypothrombogenic effect of the acute IV and oral administration of warfarin (0.75 mg/kg of body weight) was noticeable only after 60 hours and lasted for about 30 hours. The effect was weak; the maximum effect was a prolongation of 2.3 s (from 11.5 s to 13.8 s) in thromboplastin time.