Prognosis of pregnancy in patients with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis
Oniki, S.
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 27(1): 166-174
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-5155 PMID: 6855010 Document Number: 212782
From the study of 18 pregnancies in 10 patients with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, it was concluded that the most important factor to be considered in advising pregnant patients with this disease is whether or not the antibody titer increases during pregnancy rather than the clinical pictures or the absolute values of antibody titer. Periodical titration of the antitoxoplasma antibody during pregnancy was recommended as a preventive measure against congenital toxoplasmosis. Pregnancy may be continued if antibody titer does not increase during pregnancy, and it may be interrupted if the antibody titer increases.