Induction of splenomegaly in mice by killed Coxiella burnetii cells

Kazár, J.; Schramek, S.; Zajacová, S.

Acta Virologica 27(1): 65-70


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-723X
PMID: 6133432
Document Number: 207077
Splenomegaly induced in mice inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with purified formalin-killed phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii (C.b.) cells was dose-dependent. The phase I cells induced higher splenomegaly than phase II cells. The splenomegaly-inducing ability of phase I cells was reduced upon incubation with phase I but not with phase II antiserum, whereas the phase II cells preincubated with phase I or phase II immune sera induced higher splenomegaly than the phase II cells alone. Phase I cells caused lower splenomegaly in mice previously immunized with C.b. The splenomegaly-inducing ability of phase I cells was abolished by mild acid hydrolysis, by treatment either with phenol-chloroform-petroleum ether (PCP) or with a chloroform-methanol (CM) mixture. However, either the CM or the PCP-treated phase I cells retained their capacity to protect mice challenged with virulent phase I C.b.

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