Radio role models for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and HIV testing among pregnant women in Botswana
Sebert Kuhlmann, A.K.; Kraft, J.Marie.; Galavotti, C.; Creek, T.L.; Mooki, M.; Ntumy, R.
Health Promotion International 23(3): 260-268
ISSN/ISBN: 0957-4824 PMID: 18407924 DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dan011Document Number: 202875
Although Botswana supports a program for the prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV (PMTCT), many women initially did not take advantage of the program. Using data from a 2003 survey of 504 pregnant and post-partum women, we assessed associations between exposure to a long-running radio serial drama that encourages use of the PMTCT program and HIV testing during pregnancy. Controlling for demographic, pregnancy and other variables, women who spontaneously named a PMTCT character in the serial drama as their favorite character were nearly twice as likely to test for HIV during pregnancy as those who did not. Additionally, multiparity, knowing a pregnant woman taking AZT, having a partner who tested, higher education and PMTCT knowledge were associated with HIV testing during pregnancy. Identification with characters in the radio serial drama is associated with testing during pregnancy. Coupled with other supporting elements, serial dramas could contribute to HIV prevention, treatment and care initiatives.