Phospholipid fractions of the hypothalamus and liver morphology and function in the rat
Breda, M.; Continenza, M.A.; Ricciardi, G.; Palmeri, G.
Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 58(5): 204-210
ISSN/ISBN: 0037-8771 PMID: 7073892 Document Number: 193985
The Authors studied the effects induced by long administration of hypothalamic phospholipids on the rat liver. They showed that the most important histologic changes can be observed in the liver of animals who received the longest treatment. Such changes consist of significant infiltration of lymphocytes and red blood cells that have overflowed into the pericentrolobular space. This picture of a not-too-serious blood stasis could justify the alterations of the epatocytes contemporarily observed.