Hypergonadotropic amenorrhea and premature ovarian failure: a review
Rebar, R.W.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine 27(4): 179-186
ISSN/ISBN: 0024-7758 PMID: 6808131 Document Number: 189280
Amenorrhea with hypergonadotropinism consists of several distinct disorders. Affected individuals should be investigated thoroughly and not merely told they have ovarian failure. Accumulating evidence suggests that some women with "premature ovarian failure" do indeed ovulate again and even conceive. Thus, elevated levels of circulating gonadotropins can no longer be regarded as establishing that the ovaries are devoid of all oocytes. Delineation of all of the causes of hypergonadotropic amenorrhea and the establishment of rational means of inducing ovulation in women with follicles remaining are clearly tasks for present and future investigations.