Use of agar diffusion method for separate determination of concentration of streptomycin and rifampicin in the blood in the presence of isoniazid

Zeliger, L.R.; Kivman, G.I.; Makarova, R.A.; Chaĭkovskaia, S.M.

Antibiotiki 27(3): 173-176


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-5637
PMID: 6807194
Document Number: 186079
Conditions for determination of streptomycin and rifampicin in the blood serum on their combined use, as well as in the presence of isoniazid are described. For determination of the blood levels of streptomycin administered in combination with rifampicin it is recommended tat a variant of Bac. mycoides 537 resistant to rifampicin be used. When the rifampicin levels are determined in undiluted serum, the value obtained should be multiplied by 1.4. When a 2-fold dilution of the serum is used, the value is multiplied by 1.15. This provides an indicator maximally close to the real content of the antibiotic in the blood serum.

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