Minor histocompatibility genes important in lethal graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR) : chromosomal assignment of five genes using ten chromosomal markers
Motta, R.; Moutier, R.; Halle-Pannenko, O.
Transplantation Proceedings 13(1 Pt 2): 1207-1214
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-1345 PMID: 7022927 Document Number: 181661
Of 10 markers chosen at random, the following 5 appeared to be linked to loci that individually affect the lethal graft-vs.-host reaction in the mouse: Id-1, Gpd-1, Gpi-1, Es-3 and Pgm-1. When the markers were studied in pairs, all appeared to interact with each other and affect the severity of the reaction in a cumulative, synergistic or suppressive manner. This suggests that the number of minor genes involved in the development of the graft-vs.-host reaction is very high.