Gas chromatographic determination of thiocyanate in vegetable and animal foods and in human serum following paper chromatographic separation

Thürkow, B.; Weuffen, W.

Die Pharmazie 36(2): 96-99


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-7144
PMID: 7232495
Document Number: 173360
Paper chromatographic separation of thiocyanate is the first step in determining non-bound thiocyanate in homogenized animal and vegetable foods and in human serum. The thiocyanate eluated from the paper chromatogram is brominated and then determined as cyanogen bromide using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron-capture detector. Interfering substances (mainly ethanol-unprecipitable protein components, amino acids and cyanide from glycosidic precursors) are eliminated by this procedure.

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