Mortality from anemia and other blood diseases among individuals exposed to organic solvents
Olsen, J.; Sabroe, S.
Ugeskrift for Laeger 143(10): 643-645
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782 PMID: 7281271 Document Number: 171716
The occupational environment changes frequently and chemicals are often introduced whose injurious effects are only partially known. New products should be submitted to control as far in advance as possible. Epidemiological supervision must be instituted to control whether the actual conditions of exposure are without risk. An example of how epidemiological supervision can be employed was given. From 1950 benzene was replaced by other organic solvents because of the toxic effect of benzene on hematopoiesis. Danish joiners and carpenters who were members of the trade union in 1971 (40,428) were followed in a historically prospective investigation for mortalities from anemia and other blood diseases (aplastic anemia, other forms of anemia, purpura, agranulocytosis and other blood and systemic diseases). Most were exposed to a series of different organic solvents but only slightly to benzene. By comparison with other Danish men, normal mortality rates for these diseases in 1971-1976 were found.