Metastatic lung abscesses

Zakharov, S.N.; Ostrovskiĭ, V.K.

Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 127(9): 8-12


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4625
PMID: 7303426
Document Number: 169245
The metastatic origin of abscesses was established in 10 of 142 patients (7%) with acute pulmonary abscesses. The disease was observed to be of severe course, being accompanied by pleural and other complications in all the cases. Thirteen distinctive signs of metastatic abscesses were revealed which determine the curative methods. The main problem in the treatment of such patients is struggle against sepsis, correction of immune processes in the organism, sanitation of the abscess cavity through the tracheobronchial tree and liquidation of pleural complications.

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