The use of althesin in endoscopy
Pellegrino, A.; Pellegrino, R.; Beltrutti, D.; Ceriani, G.; Ghigo, A.; De Bonis, U.
Minerva Medica 72(44): 2967-2971
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-4806 PMID: 7301177 Document Number: 169246
Althesin was used on account of its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and its high therapeutic index in a search for a narcotic drug displaying minimal interference with metabolic and functional parameters in the aged. Continuous perfusion of the anaesthetic proved an extremely flexible method bearing in mind the varying length of the operations concerned. Stress is laid on the need for clinical control, especially at the moment of induction to ensure that timely action can be taken in the event of complications.