Clinico-morphological characteristics of prolymphocytic variants of lymphosarcoma

Probatova, N.A.; Kruglova, G.V.; Bragina, E.G.; Solov'eva, E.A.; Volkova, M.A.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 53(9): 65-68


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 6895423
Document Number: 169135
Disease course was analyzed in 104 patients with polylymphocytic lymphosarcoma depending on the characteristics of the cellular composition of tumor tissue (47 patients with split-celled polylymphocytic lymphosarcoma and 57 patients suffering from round-celled prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma). Among the patients with the round-celled form, the overwhelming majority had (at diagnosis) the generalized tumor including bone marrow affection; among those with the split-celled form, the majority of patients demonstrated an isolated primary focus of tumor. In such patients bone marrow injury was recorded far less frequently and much later. The bone marrow injury was accompanied by different changes in the peripheral blood characteristics: the majority of patients showed a classical chronic lympholeukemia; some of the patients had a preponderance of prolymphocytes in the differential blood count; some of the patients had a normal peripheral blood composition for a long period of time. The survival rate of patients with round-celled prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma was higher than that in patients with the split-celled variety.

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