The phagocytic activity (ingestion and bactericidal activity) of neutrophil leukocytes in chronic myelosis

Jaworkowsky, L.; Shilevitsch, A.; Priedniece, E.; Grant, H.

Folia Haematologica 107(2): 213-220


ISSN/ISBN: 0323-4347
PMID: 6159261
Document Number: 163071
The paper deals with the results obtained by investigating the function of phagocytes (ingestion and bactericidity) in germs of a stem of staphylococcus aureus 209 and escherichia coli 0-III of mature neutrophilic granulocytes in 30 patients with chronic, not-lymphocytic leukaemia. The ingestion corresponded to the norm. Bactericidity towards the germs of staphylococcus aureus was statistically significant decreased, viz. it was retarded as well as diminished. In certain patients this deviation from the norm found a particularly strong expression, which became evident in clinical appearances. As it was to be expected, no interconnection could be detected between the activity of alkaline granulocytic phosphatase and the function of phagocytosis.

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