Effect of prodigiozan on the phagocytic activity of the leukocytes in melioidosis intoxication
Morozova, E.I.
Antibiotiki 22(2): 165-168
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-5637 PMID: 324384 Document Number: 119537
In development of experimental melioidosis intoxication, the activity of the mechanisms controlling non-specific immunological reactions changed that was evident from changes both in the quantitative and qualitative indices of phagocytosis. The absorption function of the neutrophils was lowered during 2 days from the moment of administration of acetone killed bacterial mass of the melioidosis causative agent which was evident from decreased percentage and index of phagocytosis as compared to the control animals. The qualitative index of the digestive capacity of the neutrophils, i.e. the index of phagocytosis completeness was also low for 7 days of the experiment. The positive role of prodiglozan in activation of the host protective forces in cases with meliodosis intoxication was shown. Prodigizan administered 48 hours before injection of the bacterial mass of the melioidosis causative agent stimulated both the absorption and digestive capacities of the neutrophils.