Evaluation of biochemical and immunological parameters in patients with lung cancer by discrimination analysis

Procházka, J.; Deyl, Z.; Havránek, T.; Janatková, I.; Grafová, E.; Stulíková, V.; Sobĕslavský, C.; Kugukovová, Z.

Czechoslovak Medicine 3(2): 151-159


ISSN/ISBN: 0139-9179
PMID: 6158393
Document Number: 160556
Data obtained by biochemical and immunological tests in a group of healthy blood donors and a group of patients with lung cancer were subjected to discrimination analysis in order to find the minimum possible combination of methods which permit reliable differentiation of the two groups., It was revealed that the lymphocyte transformation after stimulation with PHA, the formation of E rosettes and the plasma level of glycoproteins permit complete differentiation between the group of patients and healthy controls. Based on the above three tests discrimination rules can be defined. If 52.73249--0.45913.ROS--0.40752. TRLY + 0.02790 GP greater than or equal to 0, the investigated subject can be included in the group of patients, when the values are smaller, the subject is healthy.

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