Food preferences of enlisted personnel in the Armed Forces

Meiselman, H.L.; Waterman, D.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association 73(6): 621-629


ISSN/ISBN: 0002-8223
PMID: 722010
Document Number: 133308
About 3900 enlisted personnel of the US Armed Forces, mainly men under 26 years old participated in a food preference survey, reporting their degree of like or dislike (hedonic scale) of 378 food items and how often they wanted them served (frequency scale). The results were similar in many respects to previous surveys. Beverages, breakfast foods and entrees were relatively popular, while soups and vegetables were generally unpopular. Items of high and low preference in each of 32 food groups were identified, as were the rank order on the hedonic scale of the individual food items.

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