Comparative histological studies of mouth mucosa, gingiva and desmodont in normal guinea pigs and guinea pigs fed a vitamin C deficient diet

Kötzschke, H.; Krämer, R.; Haufe, M.

Stomatologie der DDR 28(2): 97-102


ISSN/ISBN: 0302-4725
PMID: 274836
Document Number: 126882
The changes occurring in the oral mucosa, gingivae and periodontium of guinea pigs fed a vitamin C-deficient diet were determined by means of histological comparison with animals on a normal diet. The following results were obtained from the scorbutic guinea pigs: --detachment of the horny layer from the underlying epithelium, --bullous cells in the spinose and the granular layer, --formation of periodontal pockets, --reduction in number and disorientation of collagenous fibres of the periodontium associated with loosening of the molars.

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