Rapid column chromatography of blood amino-acids from a paper sample

Castets, J.C.; Parvy, P.; Allard, D.; Huang, Y.

Annales de Biologie Clinique 36(3): 143-147


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-3898
PMID: 707855
Document Number: 125544
Authors propose a method permitting rapide quantitative analysis of blood amino-acids from a blood sample on paper. The amino-acid analyser was equiped with two columns of different lenght and diameter, one (0.5 x 30 cm) permitting rapid detection (complete chromatography in 110 minutes), the other (0.63 x 35 cm) permitting a quantitative study of amino-acidopathies (complete chromatography in 240 minutes). The apparatus and the program of elution proposed have the advantage of being adaptable without any other modification than the time of passage of the reagents to very rapid analysis of amino-acid groups and classical analysis of samples of serum and urine.

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