Serum lipids and lipoproteins in healthy equides
Straub, R.; Petitjean, J.; Tschudi, P.
Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 119(3): 93-101
ISSN/ISBN: 0036-7281 PMID: 867021 Document Number: 121147
Normal serum lipid values were estimated for 7 breeds of horse or pony belonging to different countries and for mules and Sardinian dwarf donkeys after rest and starvation. All 255, except the donkeys, were fed singly twice or 3 times daily. Racing or riding animals were worked regularly. All were at least 3 years old and clinically healthy. Donkeys had highest average values for total lipids, neutral fats and phospholipids in serum. Breeds of horses and ponies with high average cholesterol and phospholipids had relatively low neutral fat. Lipoprotein fractions are shown for all except the mules and donkeys; chylomicrons were not found. Possible relations between lipid values and sex, age, nutritional status and pregnancy were examined; pregnant Shetland ponies had significantly higher total lipid values than nonpregnant mares.