Development of the acquisition model of online information resources at Faculty of Medicine Library, Khon Kaen University

Thanapaisal, S.; Thanapaisal, C.

Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 96 Suppl. 4: S129-S137


ISSN/ISBN: 0125-2208
PMID: 24386752
Document Number: 12014
Faculty of Medicine Library, Khon Kaen University started to acquire online information resources since 2001 with the subscriptions to 2 databases. Nowadays it has 29 items of subscriptions and the expenses on online information resources reach to 17 million baht, more than 70 percent of the information resources budget, serving the academic purposes of the Faculty of Medicine. The problems of online information resources acquisition fall into 4 categories, and lead to 4 aspects conforming the model of the acquisition, comparing or benchmarking with the 4 selected medical school libraries in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Songkhla, and discussion with some other Thai and foreign libraries. The acquisition model of online information resources is developed from those problems and proposed for Faculty of Medicine Library, Khon Kaen University as well as for any medical libraries which prefer.

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