A study of clinical signs and EEG profiles in hypercalcemic encephalopathy
Cornette, M.; Grisar, T.
Acta Neurologica Belgica 77(3): 129-143
ISSN/ISBN: 0300-9009 PMID: 888670 Document Number: 116685
Eight cases of acute or subacute hypercalcemic encephalopathy are described. The symptoms comprise digestive disorders, signs of dehydration and neuropsychological anomalies. Among the latter, it is stressed that impairments of upright stance and locomotion are present in all cases. The clinical picture is not characteristic. The EEG profile is constant: a slow occipitoparietal background activity is interrupted by high-voltage anterior delta bursts of 1 to 4 second duration. When blood calcium is restored to a normal level the clinical symptoms disappear within 1-2 weeks and EEG anomalies within 3-8 weeks. The physiopathological mechanism whereby hypercalcemia cause clinical and EEG anomalies is still unknown. Blood calcium determinations should be included among the biochemical tests carried out on all patients presenting neuropsychological disorders.