Observations on the effect of shortening the dry period on milk yield, body weight, and circulating glucose and FFA levels in dairy cows
Lotan, E.; Adler, J.H.
Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 101(2): 77-82
ISSN/ISBN: 0040-7453 PMID: 1251423 Document Number: 101742
18 pairs of cows of similar age, parity, body weight, previous milk yield and expected calving date were chosen for the experiment in 3 commercial herds. One member of each pair was dried off 60 days before expected calving as a control, while the other member was milked up to 30 days before expected calving. There were no differences between groups in subsequent fertility or lactation milk yield. The additional month's milk yield (av. 360 kg FCM) did not significantly affect the annual yield. Body weight, the percentage of milk fat and daily FCM yield were less variable in the experimental animals than in controls.