Variations in the milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows during lactation
Bedö, S.; Nikodémusz, E.; Percsich, K.; Bárdos, L.
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 43(1): 163-171
ISSN/ISBN: 0236-6290 PMID: 7625288 Document Number: 442788
Variations in the milk yield and milk composition of a dairy cow colony (n = 23) were analyzed during 11 months of lactation. Milk yield followed a characteristic decreasing pattern in negative correlations with solid components (milk protein, lactose, total solids, milk fat). Titrable acidity (degree SH) was significantly (p < 0.1) higher in the milk of fresh-milking cows and it correlated negatively with lactose and positively with milk protein, milk fat and total solids. The concentrations of Zn, Fe and Cu tended to decrease, while Mn showed insignificant variation during lactation. Milk vitamin A showed a significant positive whilst milk vitamin E had a negative correlation with milk fat.