Nutritional studies on long-term surgical patients with special reference to the intake of vitamin B12 and folic acid

Hessov, I.; Elsborg, L.

International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. Internationale Zeitschrift für Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal International de Vitaminologie et de Nutrition 46(4): 427-432


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-9831
PMID: 1010678
Document Number: 97019
A nutritional survey performed in 46 elderly long-term surgical patients in an orthopedic ward showed that, although a sufficient hospital diet was served, the intakes of vitamin B12 were borderline, while the intakes of folate were inadequate inmost patients. Low energy intake combined with a high consumption of titbits in bedridden patients was assumed to be responsible for this malnourishment.

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