Recording of conduction tissue potentials in intraventricular conduction disorders. (apropos of 147 patients)

Vedel, J.; Guérot, C.; Valère, P.E.; Coste, A.; Krantz, D.; Castillo, A.; Tricot, R.

Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 68(3): 239-251


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9683
PMID: 814861
Document Number: 92184
147 patients, 31 controls and 116 patients with intraventricular conduction disturbances, have been submitted to an endocardial investigation: HR lengthening in case of bundle-branch block indicates a low diffusion of the conduction disturbances and has a pejorative signification. The most important legthenings of this interval have been observed in the cases with delay in the common trunk of His bundle: -- In case of trunkular delay, 66% of the patients have a HR interval longer than 80 msec, and the average value of HR is 82 msec. -- In the absence of obvious trunkular delay, 8% of the patients only have a HR interval longer than 80 msec, with an average value of 67 msec. For these latter patients no branch potential was recorded. -- In some cases one is certain of the presence of a conduction disturbance of both branches and the HR value then never exceeded 60 msec. -- Branch potential recording makes it possible to determine the site of the conduction disturbance of the branch and show mild variations of the HR interval and of both components.

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