The protection of dietary casein from degradation in the rumen

Axford, R.F.; Offer, N.W.; Evans, R.A.

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 34(2): 66a-67a


ISSN/ISBN: 0029-6651
PMID: 1187630
Document Number: 90645
A Welsh mountain wether was given 600 g/day of a pelleted ration (providing 11.5 g amino acid N daily) which contained (g/kg) 570 hay, 340 barley and 90 casein. During a 34-day test period, the casein in the diet was left untreated (8 days), pretreated with formaldehyde solution at 10 g/l. (8 days), left untreated (8 days), pretreated with a solution of wattle bark extract at 10 g/l. (6 days), and untreated (4 days). Composition of digesta samples collected throughout the 34-day period and estimates of daily amino acid flow to the duodenum indicated that in all instances flow of casein was markedly increased by formaldehyde treatment. There was no indication that wattle tannin protected casein from degradation in the rumen.

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