Hair removal for Fitzpatrick skin types V and Vi using light and heat energy technology

Sadick, N.S.; Krespi, Y.

Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Jdd 5(8): 724-726


ISSN/ISBN: 1545-9616
PMID: 16989186
Document Number: 9064
To determine the safety and efficacy of a light and heat energy (LHE)-based system (SkinStaion system; Radiancy Inc, Orangeburg, NY, USA) for hair removal in subjects with skin types V and VI. Thirty-one subjects with Fitzpatrick skin types V and VI were consented for treatment with the system. Twenty-six subjects completed the 12-week follow-up. Safety was evaluated at each visit and efficacy was evaluated at both follow-up visits. An average hair clearance of 41.7% from 57 treatment sites was reported at the 6-week follow-up visit and a 35.5% average hair clearance was reported at the 12-week follow-up. Edema was only reported in 2 cases (7.7%) of the study population. Eleven cases of erythema were reported following treatment. Treatment with the modified LHE system was safe and effective for hair removal in patients with skin types V and VI.

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Hair removal for Fitzpatrick skin types V and Vi using light and heat energy technology