Cultivation of Trichomonas gallinarum and Trichomonas tenax on a trimed medium
Tsvetkova, A.; Iankov, N.; Dorevska, K.
Veterinarno-Meditsinski Nauki 12(10): 83-87
ISSN/ISBN: 0324-1068 PMID: 843 Document Number: 87248
Studied was the possibility to isolate and culture Tr. gallinarum and Tr. tenax on a medium Trimed, proposed by the authors for the isolation and cultivation of Tr. vaginalis. The growth and development of the two Trichomonas species were followed up at various temperatures -- 38 degrees, 36 degrees, and 32 degrees C, in order to establish the most appropriate temperature for continuous cultivation at longer intervals of reseeding as well as the temperature optimum for the fast deposition of great amounts of biomass. It was found that the Trimed medium is suitable for the isolation and cultivation of Tr. gallinarum and Tr. tenax. Temperatures of 38 degrees and 36 degrees contribute to the accumulation of greater amounts of biomass, while at 32 degrees C the growth of these protozoa is delayed and reseeding is to be carried out at greater intervals.