Successful pregnancy in a patient with Ebstein's anomaly; a case report from a developing country

Hashmi, H.Akhter.; Khatoon, H.; Ahmed, S.Ijlal.

Jpma. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 68(9): 1391-1393


ISSN/ISBN: 0030-9982
PMID: 30317272
Document Number: 696966
Ebstein anomaly is a rare malformation of the tricuspid valve of the heart. The malformed tricuspid valve may be incompetent, stenotic, or rarely, imperforate. Pregnant patients with Ebstein anomaly become a challenge for the physician in terms of management. We report a case in which patient delivered successfully with Ebstein anomaly. The only complication was breathlessness. Authors concluded that women with Ebstein anomaly can have successful outcomes of pregnancy with close monitoring.

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