A Case of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of the Small Intestine Complicated by Hemorrhagic Shock Due to Gastrointestinal and Intraperitoneal Bleedings

Kobayashi, H.; Hirajima, S.; Takagi, T.; Fukumoto, K.

Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 44(12): 1726-1728


ISSN/ISBN: 0385-0684
PMID: 29394756
Document Number: 691764
A 44-years-old man presented to our hospital with bloody stool. CT of the abdomen revealed a 90mm mass adjacent to small intestine and high density ascites in lower abdomen. On the day of the admission, he lapsed into hemorrhagic shock caused by gastrointestinal bleedings. So emergency operation was performed. Operative findings showed a solid tumor of small intestine that were 95mm in diameter and a small amount of bloody ascites(100mL). Another tumor was also found in analis small intestine from primary lesion. Small bowel resections were performed for each lesion. Resected specimen showed the solid tumor, 95×70×50mm in size, in the small intestine. Histopathological findings showed outgrowth of spindle cells from the proper muscular layer to the subserosal layer. Immunohistochemical findings revealed positive staining for c-kit and CD34. c-kit positive GIST was thus diagnosed. Chemotherapy with imatinib was administered after surgery and the patient has been free from recurrent disease for 6 months after surgery.

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