Use of an Ovine Collagen Dressing with Intact Extracellular Matrix to Improve Wound Closure Times and Reduce Expenditures in a US Military Veteran Hospital Outpatient Wound Center

Ferreras, D.T.; Craig, S.; Malcomb, R.

Surgical Technology International 30: 61-69


ISSN/ISBN: 1090-3941
PMID: 28537645
Document Number: 691496
A novel, comprehensive decision-making and treatment algorithm was established within a US government-run military veteran hospital in an attempt to standardize the process of outpatient wound care and streamline costs. All patients were systematically evaluated and treated using the comprehensive algorithm over a span of nine months. After three months of adherence to the algorithm, the algorithm was modified to include ovine-based collagen extracellular matrix (CECM) dressings as a first-line conventional treatment strategy for all appropriate wounds. The purpose of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the hospital's change in cellular and/or tissue-based graft usage and cost, as well as wound healing outcomes following modification of the wound care standardization algorithm. Data from the first quarter (Q1; three months) of protocol implementation were compared to the subsequent two quarters (six months), during which time the first-line dressing modification of the protocol was implemented. Results showed that between quarters 1 and 3, the percentage of wounds healed increased by 95.5% (24/64 to 80/109), and the average time to heal each wound decreased by 22.6% (78.8 days to 61.0 days). Cellular and/or tissue-based graft unit usage decreased by 59.7% (144 units to 58 units), and expenditures on cellular and/or tissue-based grafts decreased by 66.0% ($212,893 to $72,412). Results of this analysis displayed a trend toward decreased expenditures, faster healing times, and a greater number of healed wounds following modification of an evidence-based algorithm to incorporate CECM dressings as a first-line treatment strategy in managing chronic wounds.

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