Feasibility investigation of three cavity clearance in treatment of perianal abscess

Chen, Y.; Wang, X.; Jin, H.; Zhang, B.; Yao, H.; Wu, K.; Wang, S.

Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi 19(4): 442-445


ISSN/ISBN: 1671-0274
PMID: 27112481
Document Number: 685933
To explore the feasibility of three-cavity clearance (TCC) in the treatment of perianal abscess. A retrospective study of patients with perianal abscess in our center from July 2013 to March 2015 were carried out. Clinical data of 25 patients undergoing TCC (TCC group) were analyzed. At the same time, based on matched gender, age and location of abscess, 25 patients undergoing incision and drainage (incision group) and 25 undergoing cutting seton (seton group) were enrolled. Postoperative pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score (the first defecation,1 week later), rate of fistula formation, fecal incontinence(Wexner score) and wound healing were compared among groups. One week after operation, VAS score in seton group was 6.5±1.3, which was significantly higher than 1.3±0.5 in TCC group and 1.2±0.4 in incision group(P<0.01), while there were no significant differences of VAS among groups at the first defecation(P>0.05). Time of wound healing was (45.8±19.9), (49.2±23.1) and (53.5±24.1) days in TCC, incision and seton group respectively, without significant difference(P>0.05). Rate of fistula formation was 48.0% (12/25) in incision group, which was significantly higher than 12.0% (3/25) in TCC group and 12.0%(3/25) in seton group (all P<0.01). There was no patient with faecal incontinence in TCC group and incision group, while 2 patients with fecal incontinence were found in seton group. Three-cavity clearance is feasible in treatment of perianal abscess, and can decrease the rate of fistula formation, ameliorate postoperative pain and protect anal function.

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