Self-limited thrombotic microangiopathy associated with perianal abscess
Campos, B.; Gracia, O.; Sanjuán, A.; Arto, M.A.; Gutiérrez, J.A.
Nefrologia Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia 24(Suppl 3): 89-92
ISSN/ISBN: 0211-6995 PMID: 15219078 Document Number: 582733
A 43-year-old female with Staphyloccocus-induced perianal abscess, was admitted to hospital because of a clinical picture of acute renal failure and thrombotic microangiopathy. Schistocytes, thrombopenia, a negative Coombs test and no detectable plasma haptoglobin were diagnostic for thrombotic microangiopathy. Antibiotics, surgical drainage, plasmapheresis and fresh frozen plasma were given with a favourable evolution. We review the prognostic factors determining recovery of renal function and hematological abnormalities.