Content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils of Antarctic Stations Regions

Abakumov, E.V.; Parnikoza, I.Y.; Lupachev, A.V.; Lodygin, E.D.; Gabov, D.N.; Kunakh, V.A.

Gigiena i Sanitariia 94(7): 20-25


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9900
PMID: 26856135
Document Number: 680741
Comparative investigation of the soil contamination by polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) has been performed on examples of three polar stations of the Antarctic Peninsula. Data obtained are especially interesting for the Ukrainian Antarctic station "Academician Vernadsky" were no such investigations were performed since the technogenic spill of the hydrocarbons in 1992. Results of investigations permit to establish the values of the total background level of the PAC pollution as the base for the further monitoring of anthropogenic contamination. The data of analysis of soils from the all ecological zones of Point Thomas oasis (Polish Station "Genrik Artstovskiy") show the PAC homogenous background pollution to be similar to identified at the Galindez Island (the region of the station Academician Vernadskiy). Local pollutions are revealed in some areas of the Galindez Island. At the same time results of the investigation of the soils pollution from the various areas of the Fildes Peninsula (the station Bellingshausen.) show the absence of clearly pronounced contrast between the background and "hot points" that is likely related with the even pollution of the Peninsula. There was demonstrated the necessity of the development of regional standards and the establishment of a local background concentrations of PACs within the Antarctic Peninsula. At the same time, significant differences between the contamination of soils taken from the stations"Academician Vernadsky" and "Bellingshausen", apparently are associated with a lesser capacity of soils on the island Galindez that in the commensurable pollution creates greater concentrations in an investigated sample of the soil. There was shown the necessity of the development of the regional standard and the establishment of a local background concentrations of PACs within the Antarctic Peninsula.

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