Developing a school nursing activity demand model Staffordhire
Robins, J.; Patel, D.; Hansford, K.; Sutcliffe, K.; Forbes-Westlake, A.
Community Practitioner the Journal of the Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association 87(2): 24-27
ISSN/ISBN: 1462-2815 PMID: 24597135 Document Number: 677337
Activity demand models for delivery of the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) through the school nursing workforce are limited. This paper describes the application of a potentially new activity demand model for school nursing. The model identifies what the demand for school nursing is in Staffordshire, using estimated delivery times of universal and targeted components from the HCP, numbers of children and local information around targeted activity, eg, numbers of looked after children. The model suggests that the school nursing service would spend around 60% of time on individual face to face activity, 30% on public health leadership, management and evaluation and the 10% on travel in Staffordshire. It also suggests a shortfall in workforce capacity. The model can be used to underpin commissioning decisions and service redesign and changes in practice would be required to meet the full requirements of the HCP.