Neck lump--fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimen in diagnostics and planning of therapy
Atula, T.; Tarkkanen, J.; Aro, K.
Duodecim; Laaketieteellinen Aikakauskirja 130(22-23): 2405-2412
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-7183 PMID: 25558601 Document Number: 673213
In elucidating the cause of a non-tender neck lump, the age of the patient, location and finding on palpation of lumps, and clinical examination of ear, nose and throat disorders and possible other findings are crucial. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimen, most commonly obtained in connection with ultrasonic imaging, is a key method in diagnosing lumps of the neck and salivary gland region that are obviously noninflammatory. Ultrasonic imaging combined with a cytological specimen is primary in the case of otherwise normal clinical examination.