Advances in studies on modification technology of traditional Chinese medicine powders

Pan, Y.-P.; Zhang, Z.-H.; Jiang, Y.-R.; Jia, X.-B.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 38(22): 3808-3813


ISSN/ISBN: 1001-5302
PMID: 24558855
Document Number: 671297
Most of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) powders showed bad physical properties, such as poor flowability, high hygroscopicity, agglomeration and poor wettability, which will affect the production process and even the efficacy of Chinese materia medica preparations. The exact characterization of the physical properties of TCM powders and the reshaping technology become the key to improve the quality and efficacy of Chinese materia medica preparations and to promote the modernization process of TCM. This article summarizes the evaluation methods of the physical properties and the modification technology of TCM powders, in order to solve the problems existing in the research and production of Chinese materia medica preparations, and to achieve the quality control of drugs and modernization of dosage forms.

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