Modification of hematosupressive action of ionizing radiation by dicarbamine
Moiseeva, I.I.; Ionicheva, L.V.; Nikishin, S.A.; Zinov'ev, A.I.; Nebol'sin, V.E.
Voprosy Onkologii 59(1): 99; 101-104
ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758 PMID: 23814834 Document Number: 671232
There was studied the effect of different doses of Dicarbamine by means of oral medical-prophylactic and medical administration on the peripheral blood of rabbits in conditions of experimental radiation damage to the blood system. The drug provided the safety of circulating red blood cells at rather high level, prevented the development of severe post-radiation thrombocytopenia, reduced post-radiation leukocytopenia, accelerated processes of recovery of peripheral blood leukocytes to the initial level by segmented neutrophils and lymphocytes.