The longest faun tail forming dreadlocks with underlying spina bifida occulta

Brar, B.K.; Mahajan, B.B.; Mittal, J.

Dermatology Online Journal 19(4): 12


ISSN/ISBN: 1087-2108
PMID: 24021371
Document Number: 667756
Spina bifida is a developmental anomaly characterized by defective closure of the bony encasement of the spinal cord through which the spinal cord and meninges may or may not protrude. We report a rare case of a very long faun tail, which was in the form of a 20 inch long tail originating from the lumbosacral area in a rhomboidal pattern, measuring 10 x 8 inches. The case is being reported for its rare presentation of a 20 inch long faun tail with underlying spina bifida occulta.

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