Incidence of spina bifida occulta in relatives of children with myelodysplasia. Indications for high-risk screening
Jährig, K.; Wüchner, U.
Zentralblatt für Gynakologie 107(13): 821-826
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4197 PMID: 3898657 Document Number: 248165
Consanguineous relatives (parents, siblings) of patients with myelodysplasia show an increased incidence of spina bifida occulta compared to a normal population. According to this and considering the obvious familiarity of neural tube defects, in all cases of a spina bifida occulta known in relatives a high-risk-screening (AFP, B-scan ultrasound) should be performed during early pregnancy. Patients with a spina bifida occulta should be informed about their anomaly and in case of pregnancy instruct the obstetrician to provide a careful screening examination.