An incidental finding of unicornuate uterus with unilateral ovarian agenesis during laparoscopy in patient who gave birth to eleven children: a case report
Alvir, I.; Puljiz, M.; Tomica, D.; Danolić, D.; Mamić, I.; Toth, T.
Collegium Antropologicum 37(1): 289-291
ISSN/ISBN: 0350-6134 PMID: 23697286 Document Number: 665743
Congenital uterine anomalies are often asymptomatic. They may present with infertility, recurrent miscarriage, preterm delivery, abnormal lie in pregnancy and other obstetric complications. We report the case of a 38-year old patient with unicornuate uterus without rudimentary horn and with unilateral left ovarian agenesis and unilateral left renal agenesis who gave birth to eleven children. Anomaly was incidentally diagnosed during laparoscopic sterilization.