Inflammatory pseudotumor of the spleen as an incidental asymptomatic finding in a 44-year-old patient
Fieseler, H.G.; Stopinski, J.; Mall, G.; Petermann, C.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 123(2): 196-198
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-409X PMID: 9556896 Document Number: 493638
In the era of routinely used ultrasound techniques intrasplenic tumors are diagnosed more frequently. Usually these findings are not combined with specific symptoms. However, large cysts can lead to malfunctions of nearly located organs by displacing. Etiopathogenetic findings in our region are mainly non parasitic, epithelial and traumatic cysts or tumors of the spleen. We describe a large splenic mass of a 44 years old female patient. Pathological dignity remained unclear after using sonographic, radiological and clinical techniques. After uncomplicated total splenectomy the histopathological diagnosis revealed a benign, pseudoinflammatory tumor of the spleen. Inflammatory pseudotumors are a benign response to an unknown cause. It must be a main objective of preoperative diagnostics to distinguish them from malignant processes.