The analysis of relationship between numbers of hemopoietic hematoblasts and laboratory indicators of state of hepatobiliary system in children with congenital and hereditary diseases of liver

Kurabekova, R.M.; Lugovskaia, S.A.; Naumova, E.V.; Tsirul'nikova, O.M.; Gichkun, O.E.; Andriianova, A.A.; Shmerko, N.P.; Shevchenko, O.P.

Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 7: 28-31


ISSN/ISBN: 0869-2084
PMID: 22988799
Document Number: 663316
The content of CD34/CD45dim-positive cells in peripheral blood of children with congenital and hereditary diseases of hepatobiliary system is studied. The analysis of relationship between numbers of studied cells and level of C-reactive protein, sCD40L, sCD30 and laboratory parameters specific to liver functions is applied The number of CD34-positive hemopoietic hematoblasts in children with hepatocirrhosis correlated with the level of C-reactive protein, albumin, hemoglobin concentration and quantity of blood erythrocytes. No relationship was established with the levels of sDC40L and sDC30. The number ofstudied cells in children with liver diseases was higher than in healthy adult donors.

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